As we come to a close this semester I have realized that even though I have learned a ton I have only scratched the surface to becoming a good if not great teacher. There are so many different things to learn and understand about, from managing a classrooms behavior, to lesson plans, to knowing how to get resources from administrators. But besides all that I realize one of the greatest things of being a teacher is just providing opportunities for their students to test and create something with their new knowledge.
I know I have not been the greatest at teaching. But I know a few more techniques then I did before. Some techniques are telling students what to look for while watching a film or clip. Another is don't pass out materials till until you have given all instructions and answered any question. Also I found it very helpful to memorize names. Not only does this make your student feel more valuable but it also helps out a lot when you are trying to manage your classroom. Their are many others but these ones are some that have really stuck with me.
Even though the semester is ending I still plan on working and taking more classes on how to be the best teacher I can be. I know it's not going to be easy but it will be worth it.
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